Review: Netflix Colin In Black & White Not Your Normal Series
I had the opportunity to screen Colin In Black & White last week and it wasn’t what I expected.
Before you think this is going to be a bad review it’s not!
I thought I was sitting down to watch a regular series, but it turned into more than that for me.
Colin Kaepernick doesn’t just narrate the series that focuses on his childhood. He also educates viewers on people and events that helped him understand that it was okay to speak up and stand up for what he believed in.
Trust your power.
Love your Blackness.
You will know who you are.
I was happy to see that former NBA player and always misunderstood Allen Iverson was featured in the series. I connected with this episode because I’m what you call a Bball girl. I grew up watching the NBA draft, All-Star Game, NBA Finals and all. Allen Iverson was one of those athletes that didn’t mince his words. That shook things up in the NBA when he came on the court with braids in his hair.

It was because of “The Answer” (as we called him back in the day) that Colin wanted braids. See back then he was probably the most misunderstood NBA player outside of Dennis Rodman. He came into the league having to prove himself..not trying to be Michael Jordan or Magic Johnson…just Allen Iverson braids and all from Virginia who just wanted to play ball.

That was Colin’s story too. Growing up he played two sports. Football and baseball. He was “better” at baseball but he was passionate about throwing a football. He was offered numerous baseball scholarships but he turned them down. He wanted to play football! Schools were calling and he would say,”no!” His coach and his teammates didn’t understand, but Colin did. His dream was to quarterback a football team. When he finally got the opportunity to step on the football field, he was told he was too skinny, his arm weren’t strong enough etc… He constantly had to prove that he belonged there.. It was in this moment that I realized the reason he was able to graciously deal with the critics and Donald Trump during his tenure with the San Fransisco 49ers. It was because God had prepared him for such a time as this. He learned early in life the importance of standing up for what’s right even if you have to stand alone.
Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.- 1 Corinthians 16:13
I watched the entire series in one sitting, I looked forward to the next episode and the next.. to see what part of our culture he would educate viewers on next.
Colin In Black & White is a MUST SEE!!!!!! It premieres Friday, Oct. 28th on Netflix.