Jeen-Yuhs creators talk faith & culture with Kirk Franklin and DeVon Franklin
Netflix brought together Kirk Franklin and DeVon Franklin for an inspirational conversation around Jeen-Yuhs: A Kanye Trilogy with its filmmakers. Directors, Coodie and Chike along with writer J. Ivy discussed the role Faith played throughout their careers, as well as how Faith motivated the 20-year filmmaking journey of the documentary.
This film is about walking in faith. It’s about belief in the higher power, to remove all fear, to really discover your genius,” said Filmmaker Chike.

DeVon Franklin moderated the evening with Michael Todd joining the discussion with him and Kirk. It was an enlightening conversation on Faith’s place in culture today, how faith can frame the way we discuss entertainment, and how content can be a source of inspiration and connection.
“When you move in faith, you never know what is going to happen…we couldn’t imagine us being on stage with DeVon Franklin, Kirk Franklin and Pastor Mike talking about Christ Jesus all because of this movie,” said Filmmaker Coodie.
During the event DeVon Franklin asked a question regarding a part in the documentary where the late Donda West says to Kanye, “The giant looks in the mirror and sees nothing,” as she’s sitting across from him in a heartwarming scene.

Kirk Franklin gave a thought provoking response to that statement. Check it out:
It was important for us to do this event to connect with the people, connect with the community. To let them know that this film is God-driven. It’s all about this walk we’ve been on together as a family, as a village. And to be able to connect with the larger community. It was incredible,” said J Ivy.
If you’ve watched the trilogy then you couldn’t help but see that it was Kanye and his team (including his mother Donda) faith combined with hard work that willed them success. As the Bible says,” faith without works is dead.”-
So often we’ve tried to separate faith and culture not realizing that it’s not either or but and…
Additional guests included Essence Atkins, Trai & Grace Byers, Dr. Holly Carter, Robi Reed, Propaganda, MAJOR., Charles Jenkins, Stephanie Ike, Jemar Tisby, Pastor JP Foster, Myesha & Pastor Wayne Chaney III, Pastor Jeremy Treat, Sheree Zampino, and Gia Peppers, amongst others.
Watch it now on Netflix.