"He Who Findeth" A Cinderella Christmas Tale

“He Who Findeth” A Cinderella Christmas Tale

If you’re a hopeless romantic and love the magic of Christmas like myself, “He Who Findeth” A Cinderella Christmas Tale is the perfect holiday movie to watch!

"He Who Findeth" A Cinderella Christmas Tale

Written by veteran radio personality Ramona DeBreaux Overstreet.  The heartwarming movie has an amazing cast starring Brad JamesErica Hubbard,  Rodney PerryLaKeta Renee BookerJavon JohnsonReece Odum and more. The synopsis of the movie goes as such; heir to the Anderson Corporation throne – Daniel Anderson (Brad), is turning 30 and his well meaning, meddling parents have been trying to get him to settle down. His parents decide to throw a ball, disguised as a launch for his new charity, to find him a suitable wife. Word gets out on the real intention of the ball and everybody from the press to plotting socialites want in on the action.  What Daniel finds beyond the smoke, mirrors and lights is just how awesome love could be if he opens his heart to to the right woman (Erica).

The film was released on November 21st on the new streaming platform and app MANSA owned by actors David Oyelowo and Nate Parker that is dedicated to streaming global Black content.

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