Sarah Jakes Roberts

Sarah Jakes Roberts Named to Time100 Next

Time Magazine has named Sarah Jakes Roberts one of their Time100 NEXT!

TIME Magazine chose Tyler Perry to do the inspiring write up on the woman behind the successful Woman Evolve conference and who told us, “Girl Get Up!”

Sarah Jakes Roberts time100

“When your father is T.D. Jakes and you follow his footsteps into the world of ministry, there’s a lot of pressure to find your own voice. I’ve known Sarah Jakes Roberts since she was a child, and just as much as she’s her father’s daughter, she’s always stood out as totally and uniquely her own. She found her voice early.

Perry continues,

“Her lived experience using the grace of prayer to find a way through personal pain and tragedy resonates deeply with so many. It’s what has allowed her to connect with millions of other women through her incredible ministry and Woman Evolve conference. As Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” This is all in Sarah’s DNA. I couldn’t be more proud.”

Britney Spears
2021″. Time. Retrieved November 16, 2021. “Here’s Who Won Time’s 2021 Time100 Reader Poll”. Time. Retrieved December 7, 2021. A&E Television Networks

Sarah Jakes Roberts

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