Kirk and Tammy Franklin

Kirk and Tammy Franklin Celebrate 27 Yrs. of Marriage

Kirk and Tammy Franklin have to be one of the most transparent and cutest couples in the industry.
Kirk and Tammy Franklin

The couple who just became grandparents for the 2nd time, celebrated 27 years of marriage on January 20th and Tammy took to Instagram to share her yearly marriage nuggets that are worth sharing.

  1. Marriage is surrendering to the many seasons it brings, yet and still trusting in the vows you promised for the better and clinging to them especially during the worse.
  2. Marriage is beautifully painful, and is the very thing God uses (if you allow Him😉) to strip you of pride, selfishness, ego, and it holds up a mirror to what God is trying to dismantle in you. God seems to often put opposites together, I believe to strengthen what is weak in the other.

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