Happy 40th Birthday To The Queen Beyonce
Today, Sept. 4th Beyonce celebrates her 40th birthday.
And because the “hottest chick in the game,” married the greatest rapper alive (I said what I said) I wanted to share some of my favorite inspirational quotes from Beyonce Knowles Carter on marriage and my favorite live performance of Bey and Jay.

Love is an endless act of forgiveness. Forgiveness is me giving up the right to hurt you for hurting me.
If you’re with the right person, it brings out the best in you.

Make sure you have your own life before you’re someone else’s wife.
Listen! Everybody want a relationship like Bey and Jay, well as you can see based off some of the things she has said..a relationship like this takes work. Nothing great comes easy. Commit to God and each other, block out the world and build a life together.
These two are my favorite couple, not just because of what they’ve built together, but how they move. Old fashion love, on one accord and in silence….
Happy birthday Queen, we know Jay and the kids are celebrating you beautifully.